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Aashish Raj
Jul 07, 2023
In General Discussion
Pending Karma related to High Expectations and Dissatisfied life. We know that high expectations, high desires leads to pain and suffering when those expectation are not met. Some people have Pending Karma related to having high expectation. Their desires and expectations are so high and sometimes so Impracticle that it becomes impossible to fulfill it, ultimately leading to dissatisfied life. And it is their pending karma to keep expecting more and more (can be from family, marriage, siblings, children, money etc..) and be unhappy because of it. Some combinations that can lead to high expectation are - (any one) 👉Lagnesh in 11th house (position as per bhava chalit chart 👉11th lord in lagna (position as per bhava chalit chart) (Or parivartan between the two) 👉 11th lord and lagnesh conjunct closely. 👉11th lord and lagnesh aspecting each other (mutual aspect) 👉 Lagnesh and 11th lord trine to each other 👉 Stellium in Lagna (more than three planets in lagna) 👉 More than 28 Astakvarga points in 11th House. 👉 11th lord aspecting lagna or lagnesh This is based on my personal observation and research. Your valuable feedback will be highly appreciated 🙏🏽
Aashish Raj
Aug 27, 2022
In Questions & Answers
Note- For predictions only. A graha placed in a particular sign, particular house and a particular nakstra. Question- From where does the graha derive its power from to give results? From the rashi or house or nakshtra it is placed or from all? Plz respond with reson.
Aashish Raj
Aug 21, 2022
In General Discussion
Knowledge v/s intelligence v/s experience Jupiter v/s mercury v/s saturn Today morning i made a post and asked - what is the difference between knowlege and intelligence? Many asnwered- inteligence is inborn and knowlege is gained gradually- mercury is intelligence and Jupiter is knowlege - which is true. knowledge is data and intelligence is application of that data. Knowlege is - what is this? And Inteligence is - how can I use this ? But there is one more thing called experience. Saturn is experience. With practice and age people gain both knowlege and intelligence. Eg. knowlege of driving a car can be obtained and that knowledge of driving can be applied in practical by use/application of intelligence, like using inteligence to maneuver car ( when to turn car in ziz-zag road get the point ) Knowlege requires collection of data, information, and intigence requires use/application of that data. You have a leg is knowlege, using leg to walk/run , jump, kick is intelligence. The exact difference between knowing and using. Theory v/s practicle. But there is one more thing called experience- saturn . Experience has the power to teach us both - knowlege and intelligence. With age people gain lots or knowlege and how to perfectly apply that knowledge. And culmination of both is experience. Senior people are represented by saturn - Senior people are said to be experienced- knowledgeable- intelligent. Experience comes after knowledge- intelligence. Even if one is not much knowledgeable or intelligent but if is experienced than he/she has more value. Eg. - there are mechanics/technitian who have no formal knowledge and very less intelligent (brute ) but they have experiance and that experiance counts. Same way in astrlogy - there are some astrologers who are less knowledgeable- intelligent but have vast experience and they make precise prediction using there experience. Experience is gained by hardwork- saturn 🙏🏽 But let's not forget Mars- action required for gain knowledge and application of that knowledge. Moon - putting mind and heart to gain knowledge and application of knowlege. Venus- enjoying fruits of knowlege and intelligence Rahu- getting obsessed with knowlege and intelligence. Ketu- letting go of knowledge and intelligence. Sun- epitome of knowledge and inteligence and experience. 🙏🏽 Just having good Jupiter and mercury is not enough - having good saturn is blessing 🙏🏽 Plz read my post on parakram to know more about action, willpower and experience.
Aashish Raj
Aug 19, 2022
In General Discussion
ज्योतिष में प्लेसबो प्रभाव और उपाय 🙏🏽 चाइल्डवुड के बाद से मैं हमेशा सोचता था कि चीजें कैसे काम करती हैं? चीजें क्यों काम करती हैं? दवा हमारे शरीर में कैसे और क्यों काम करती है, और ऐसा क्यों है कि हमें दवाओं की आवश्यकता नहीं है, लेकिन फिर भी ठीक हो जाते हैं जब हमें विश्वास होने लगता है कि हम ठीक हो रहे हैं (शाब्दिक रूप से नहीं और गंभीर स्थितियों के लिए नहीं) 🙏🏽 कक्षा 10- विज्ञान महोदया - हमें प्लेसबो प्रभाव के बारे में सिखाया- प्लेसीबो प्रभाव तब होता है जब प्लेसीबो या 'डमी' उपचार लेने के बाद किसी व्यक्ति के शारीरिक या मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार होता दिखाई देता है।- स्रोत- गूगल। प्लेसीबो इफेक्ट का मतलब है कि जब आप किसी चीज या किसी के प्रति आस्था/विश्वास रखते हैं और अपने भीतर से इसे सच मानते हैं कि चीजें जीवन में आती हैं या वह चीज घटित होती है। लेकिन वह विश्वास व्यावहारिक और व्यवहार्य होना चाहिए - (विश्वास है कि यह धन की बारिश नहीं करेगा ) - आकर्षण के नियम का भी एक ही सिद्धांत है। जैसे- जैसे गहरा विश्वास करना कि घास में नंगे पैर चलने से मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार होगा- कुछ दिनों के बाद ऐसा करने से वास्तव में शारीरिक रूप से नहीं बल्कि मानसिक रूप से आपके स्वास्थ्य में सुधार करने में मदद मिलती है और यह भी विश्वास है कि घास में नंगे पैर चलने से पैर में दर्द होगा - आप देखेंगे कि कुछ दिन ऐसा करने से आपको पैरों में दर्द होने लगेगा- यह प्लेसबो इफेक्ट है। आपने अपने आस-पास कई बार प्लेसीबो इफेक्ट देखा होगा। अब अगर हम प्लेसबो इफेक्ट को ज्योतिष से जोड़ते हैं - तो एक ही तरह का परिणाम प्राप्त किया जा सकता है (पोस्टिव नेगेटिव दोनों)। जब कोई जातक किसी ज्योतिषी के पास जाता है - जातक अपने मुद्दों का समाधान चाहता है- कुछ सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया के साथ चार्ट को गहराई से देखें या जीवन के नकारात्मक पहलू को इंगित करें जिससे मूल निवासी को छुटकारा पाने की जरूरत है (पूरी तरह से नकारात्मकता नहीं हो सकती है) जातक को अपने/ उसके मुद्दे - पोस्टिव प्लेसीबो (जैसे चलना, नृत्य करना, गाना, खाना बनाना, प्रार्थना करना, मंदिर जाना आदि ... जीवन 🙏 ज्योतिष सही राह दिखाने और जातक के जीवन को ऊपर उठाने के बारे में है - यहां तक ​​कि प्लेसीबो बोने से भी 🙏🏽 मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि उपाय काम करते हैं लेकिन मुझे पता है कि प्लेसबो सकारात्मक काम करता है और इसका उपयोग ज्योतिषियों द्वारा किया जाना चाहिए (इसका उपयोग चिकित्सा क्षेत्र में किया जाता है) 🙏🏽 ज्योतिषी के शब्दों का प्रयोग सावधानी से करना चाहिए- जातक नरक से गुजर रहा होगा- और थोड़ा सा धक्का देने से जातक के लिए आशा लाने में मदद मिलेगी 🙏🏽 मैं इसका बहुत बार उपयोग करता हूँ 🙏🏽 प्लेसबो प्रभाव के विपरीत Nocebo प्रभाव है - जैसे- जैसे नोसेबो फैलाना-शनि-राहु-केतु-मंगल पर गहरा विश्वास करना आपके जीवन को नष्ट कर देगा। तत्त्वु नोसेबो प्रभाव - आपका जीवन नकारात्मकता से भरा रहेगा। मैंने देखा है कि इस नोसेबो प्रभाव का उपयोग जातक के मन में नकारात्मक विश्वास बोने और उपचार के नाम पर पैसे निकालने के लिए किया जा रहा है। तो सकारात्मकता में विश्वास करो खुशियों को बोओ - विश्वास करो सब कुछ ठीक होने जा रहा है प्लेसीबो प्रभाव में विश्वास करे 🙏🏽
Aashish Raj
Aug 08, 2022
In General Discussion
MALEFICS IN KENDRA HOUSES. We know kendra houses are 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house. Kendra houses are very important house as planets in kendra are said to have direct impact on our personality. 1st house - overall personality and body etc. 4th house- our mind and our heart- happiness etc. 7th house- partnership, marrige, happiness in marrige, public dealing etc... 10th house- career, image in society etc. We know that every graha has 7th aspect from its Placement - apart from some grahas having special aspect. So Any graha in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house will directly impact 7th from it . Hense graha in kendra houses will directly having impact on our personality including mind. Planets in 4th will influence our mind and our heart which is part of our internal personality and that graha will directly influence 10th house which is house of our image in society (already have a detailed post on it). And vice-verse. Similarly Planet in 1st, 7th will influence our body and our over all personality, public dealing and vice-verse. Now we know nature of natural malefics planets like mars, saturn, rahu, ketu, and sun. And we also know even if they are yogkaraka or involved in some good yogas like pancha mahapurush yoga- they will not leave their basic trait of being a malefic. Multiple malefics in kendra house will directly influence our personality (including mind). More than two malefics in kendra will cause inflated ego, harsh nature, bullish, frustrated, irritated temperament, agression, possible violent, selfish and also wanting harm of others and it will also give native no or very less peace of mind. No happiness as well. They have tendency to block their own growth and inflict emotional and also physical harm on themselves - and because of their inflated ego they do not accept their fault. And became of these personality trait they will cause their own harm- they will not have likeable personality, or friendly personality. Same thing happens even lagnesh in any house and is influenced by multiple malefics . This trait is toned down or controlled by native if jupiter is aspecting lagan or lagnesh or is in kendra house or is influencing malefics in kendra houses. Jupiters aspects is a saviour in this case. Similarly benefics in kendra houses gives soft personality, likeable image in society, friendly and happy mind a d happy life. etc...etc... Some might argue that 10th house is upachya house and malefics gives good result hear - i agree to this but again MALEFICS ARE MALEFICS- THEY DO NOT LEAVE THEIR MALEFIC NATURE JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE IN GOOD HOUSES. NEXT POST - MALEFICS AND BENEFICS IN Tikona HOUSE 🙏🏽
Aashish Raj
Aug 05, 2022
In General Discussion
RAHU vs KETU ATTACHMENT vs DETACHMENT We have read, heard from everyone that rahu is attachment and ketu is detachment. We we say rahu - a cunning, shrewd person comes into our mind and when we say ketu- a sanyasi comes into our mind. We know what is attachment, obsession- no confusion hear. But there is confusion as to meaning of DETACHMENT. By detachment we generally picture a sanyasi who has nothing to do with family, friends, money, work, status, house etc etc....but if we dig deeper into our thoughts and question ourself - is this really detachment or is this abandonment. Abandonment of family, friends, work, life etc.etc... Detachment as shown in picture- is having no desire to acheive it or acquire it but still living with it, appreciating it . Not being obsessed over acquiring it, but even if you acquire it,you share it with everyone, it will not hurt you if you loose it. This is detachment. A detached person appritiates everything and everyone around him/her. You can basically say a neutral state of mind. You are okay with what you have and you have no desire or obsession or unhappy with what you don't have. A detached person is an atheist as well as religious and spiritual. A detached person is rich as well as poor. A detached person is has everything and also has nothing. A detached person is cool. A detached person is neutral. Ketu is neutral. But a detached person definately not abandons things or people. A question definately strikes in our head is this practical? the answer is no- being detached always is not practicle - The reason is a person can not be detached totally- we cannot forget ketu is part of rahu. We cannot rule out, ignore rahu which is part of ketu and always looking at ketu. ATTACHMENT is part of detachment. Rahu is part of ketu. When we become too detached and start to become impractical - rahu pulls us towards itself for possession and obsessed for achievement-. This is how we grow and evolve- desiring for new and improved things. And when we start to become too obsessed towards achieving it or attached -ketu pulls us towards itself asking us to be neutral and relax a little, appritiate things we have achieved. So we should not forget that rahu-ketu both are one in the same thing but different energies. One which is driving us for acheivemnt, entitlement and one driving us to relax and be neutral. And being detached does not mean being a sanyasi. Sanyasi abandons yet not detached 🙏🏽 Sanyasi are obsessed, obsessed for acheivemnt of moksha or to meet god/parmatma 🙏🏽
Aashish Raj
Jan 06, 2022
In General Discussion
We all know that 3rd house of our kundali is known as prakram bhava (known for other things too, but let's focus on prakram only). Simple meaning of parakram is courage, bravery, will power, efforts, power, action etc... 9th house is popularly known as bhagya bhava, destiny, luck which is fixed by our karma. A strong and dignified 3rd house , 3rd lord and it's karaka, mars having any connection with lagna or lagna lord, determines how much will power, strength, power and action we have within ourselves to change or shape our destiny, bhagya, as any graha placed in 3rd house will have its direct aspect on 9th house. It is said that malefics like saturn, mars, rahu, ketu or sun in 3rd house reflects challanges in begining but in the end with sheer will power, perseverance, effort and Passion to take action to shape our destiny. ultimately we can create our own path for ourselves. self made as people say. (Pahad Tod k apna rasta banana) Benafic like moon, venus, Jupiter or mercury in 3rd house reflect softness in our actions, effort and power and how easily we surrender to our bhagya. ( Nadi jis raste behti hai usi raste beh gaye). Now if we apply concept of Bhavat-Bhavam . 3rd house form 3rd house in 5th house. 5th house if popularly known as house of education, learning from experience I would like to say. (learning from your experience is best education). So 5th house can also be considered as sub parakram bhava. But malefecs in 5th house will reflect how hard it is for you to learn from your experience and be adamant and keep repeating your mistakes. And benefics in 5th house reflects how easy is it for you to learn from your experience and not repeat your mistakes and work smart (5th house also known as buddhi sthana). Eg. 3rd house- I can and i will swin across this river everyday. 5th house- if i make a raft and plan accordingly I can cross this river easily without geting tired, I can save my energy, i can use this raft everyday to cross the river. So, to some extent we can say 3rd house, 3rd lord, 5th house, 5th lord and it's karakas are tools (free will) given in our hand by parmatma to shape our bhaya by ourselves. These are my own thoughts and I belive I can be wrong so ......Discussion (not debate )invited from learned 🙏🏽
Aashish Raj
Jan 06, 2022
In Questions & Answers
Leo lagna - moon (Anuradha) ketu (jayeshta) I have heard neech moon with ketu is good for intution and astrlogy. Is it true?
Aashish Raj
Jan 06, 2022
In Questions & Answers
Saraswati yog Leo lagna- guru+sukra+ budh in 5th house (Sagittarius sign). Results ?

Aashish Raj

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