Second, the texts addressed here can be placed in the perspective of analyzes that emphasize the tension between demands for equality/redistribution, on the one hand, and the recognition of particularities, differences, and identities, on mobile phone number list the other. As an analytical model, this paradigm was elaborated in later decades42. In the 1970s, he was palpable in the action of historical subjects more than in paradigms or models. However, it is clear that the analysis focused on capitalist development and class societies mobile phone number list cannot be completed without explicitly considering gender and ethnicity.
Then and now, the feeling of living in a world of inequalities and injustices, and the intention to actively contribute to the struggles for the mobile phone number list transformation of the historical situation of discriminated and marginalized groups, act as a strong motivation to investigate and carry out analysis and studies. Thirdly, to return once again to the link between inequalities and differences, the type of analysis presented here can be connected with mobile phone number list current discussions on «intersectionality»,
which allude to the impossibility of analyzing one mobile phone number list dimension of inequality in isolation from the others. , since it is not a question of additive effects (class inequality added to that of gender, age and ethnicity, for example), but of a complex articulation, of a configuration. But how does this combination occur? Is there any model or theory that mobile phone number list allows developing an analysis strategy? Can relationships be established between the various dimensions involved that go beyond the exhortation not to forget any of them? The authors considered here share a theoretical perspective in which capitalist development prevails, and therefore class inequalities are the key to change at the macrosocial level.