Jai Sri Ram ...my doubts are following -
Ideally speaking shani transit in the 5th house from moon should be more problematic because it will impact 7th ,11th and
from rashi but why dhaiya is 4th house from moon??
What is the significance of dig-bal of a planet... Say Venus. What will happen when the Venus become lagna lord and dig-bal heen .
When we say that a planet is debilitated means it will give bad result as it is weak .but if it is lord of 3-6-8-12 bhav then shouldn't it be good to have debilitated bhav lord .
Parivartan yoga are considered very powerful but what will happen if 6-8-12lord are in Parivartan yoga ... Say exchange of 8th and 12th .
4th lord in 9th or 5th in 10th are kendra-trikona yoga but then are these are not in sadastaka??
9th and 10th lord together is dharma-karmadhi yoga but how to see this in Aries lagna if it is formed in 10th house ? What will happen if both Sa and Ju are ast as well in 10th house.
Some say that placement of ketu defines your mastery over the karaka of the house that you bring from past life and placement of Rahu defines the karma you are assigned in this house. What is your view ?