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Apr 29, 2024
In Questions & Answers
1. For Meen Lagna, If Sun is in Shubha Kartari Yoga with Venus and Mercury in 8th House then also will this be considered as Inauspicious yoga ? Because here 6th 7th 8th 3rd 4th are in 8th house with 8th Lord. This yoga is formed in Mild or Shubh Rashi. On top of that, how falit will differ a. If these planets are combust b. If These planets moves in 7th or 9th House in Chalit Kundali. c. In addition, if these three planets are also creating Vipareet Rajyoga from Moon as well. 2. Is there any difference in falit if Vipareet Rajyoga is formed by Slow moving planet Vs Fast Moving Planet (Like in E.g. given Above)
Jun 03, 2022
In Questions & Answers
Saturn being retrograde ascendant lord in moola nakshatra and ketu is in purva phalguni nakshatra. Please educate us about both cases When ketu in Kendra When ketu in dusthana How can someone make use of this time UpTo it's maximum potential? Can this time be usefull to achieve mental peace?
Dec 14, 2021
In General Discussion
If yes what are the rules/ sutras related to it? If no why it is not important? For example : In Chart below, 1. Moon (and Mars) is in sign of Jupiter, 2. Jupiter is in sign of Venus 3. Venus is in sign of Mercury 4. Mercury (and sun) is in sign of Moon It started with Moon and ended in sign of Moon. Is it also parivartan yoga between Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury? If it is some different yoga, what it is called as ? What are the rules for it?
Does parivartan yoga for more than two planets exist?
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