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Astro Life Sutras
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Aditya O. Pathak
Jan 07, 2022
In Questions & Answers
Jai Shri Ram🚩 , Like I got a person who had this conjunction in his horoscope & I asked him questions like (Are you depressive, etc). I was shocked when he said NO but when I talked to him inspite he was very Positive Thinker, I also observed he was extremely creative person & he even got Speculatives Gains (Crypto, etc), he also told me that if he study for long hours, he was unable to get good grades, but if he study less, he was able to score respectable grades.. He was "Capricorn Ascendant" + "Taurus (Chandra Rashi)" along with "Rohini Nakshatra Pada 1", now when I saw his conjunction it was present in 5th House & the conjunction was present in "Taurus Sign" & both "Rahu & Moon" were present in "Rohini Nakshatra", also Rahu was 21* whereas Moon was 10* ,I observed whole horoscope but this conjunction "Phalit" was typical for me.. One of my friend even said that Both are EXHALTED & even "Sachin Tendulkar's Horoscope" had this conjunction BTW Details: * Birth Date : 3 August 2002 * Birth Time : 18:15 hours (6:15 pm) * Birth Place : Delhi It would be great if Sir you explain this conjunction..💛
Aditya O. Pathak
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