Jai Shree Ram 🙏🏻 What is the astrological reason in this chart ? Its a 10 month old baby chart ..28 June, 2021 , Time: 20.29 ,Seattle , Washington State U.S.A. The baby doesn’t drink milk and not interested in eating any food items. And always feels sleepy.Please kindly tell the reason astrologically?
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Astro Life Sutras
T: 91-9821820026
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Overall chart seems to be okay as Lagan and Lagnesh has connection with the fifth and 9th lord and they both are Agnee tatva planets even though Lagan Jupiter is connected with moon who is 8 Lord but still they are friends. in such cases Dasha plays very important role moon if in the Nakshatra of Rahu who is afflicting kalpurush second Rashi, birth charts second houses and second Lord. second house has aspect of 12th and 6th Lord.. these can be possible reasons for that as second house shows what we consume.