Dear Sirs,
1 What is the effect of planet getting neech in phalit.
Like if Mars is neech so our aggression will be applied in wrong direction .
Like wise what is the phalit of other planets geeting neech.
2 Is there any change in portfolio of planet if it gets
Exaltation and Debilitation is about environment of the planet which supports or doesn't support the natural traits of the planet.. it's a kind of strength of a planet and will not change the portfolio of the planet at all
It represents the status and dignity of a planet like deblitated mercury will believe easily without going into nitty gritty of thing's which is expected from mercury. Deblitated venus will fall for immature realtionship or will calculate love life.. and it should not be that way. Basically a planet has a low dignity and won't mind doing things not acceptable in the society.
Karak tatva is one thing and lordship is another. If this Venus and Mercury is akarak for the lagna and then weak.. it's a good sign.