System as its axis. The Last Database fundamental conflict centered on the possibility of altering the so-called "mirror legislative system" in which two chambers must approve each bill and both can function as the initial or review Last Database chamber. The consensus that reached two thirds is that of the commitment to an asymmetric bicameralism, with a political chamber in which the bills originate and a second chamber that, in practice, I would function as reviewer for almost all projects. Both chambers will play central roles for the Last Database nomination of authorities and to proceed with constitutional accusations.
In terms of the Last Database form of the State, the proposal, which had cross-cutting support from political forces, including various right-wing conventional forces, consisted of the formation of a "regional State" with a higher level of decentralization. Beyond Last Database the importance of the proposals for these reforms, there are few who maintain that these are the issues that mobilize voters ( barely 1% of those who Last Database would vote for rejection place changes in the Legislative Branch as their main motivation) and , in the case of regionalization, this will probably mobilize votes for approval.
On the other hand, although a Last Database relevant series of definitions was incorporated in this aspect, there are numerous reforms that could not be agreed by two thirds and that were left for future laws. For example, the electoral system was not established in the Last Database Constitution. In addition, the norm that established the supramajoritarian quorum for constitutional reforms also failed to pass the plenary session. Lastly, the Fundamental Rights Commission achieved a slightly higher percentage of success than the Environment Last Database Commission, obtaining support for 24% of its articles. The question of the so-called fundamental rights was at the base of various mobilizations during the last decade, including the "outburst" of October 2019. It is, in fact, the subject in which the current Constitution (expanded in several "organic laws" ) has its most distinctive character. The Constitution inherited from the.