Jai Siya Ram sir, What will be the result of conjunction of trikona lords (5th lord and 9th lord) in not so auspicious houses like 8th house? What if one of them is in uchha rashi like mercury in Aquarius ascendant?
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Astro Life Sutras
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Every combination has its pros and cons. However, many other yogas like Neechabhanga Raja Yoga is also formed, which is doubly beneficial in terms of bookkeeping and secret financial gains. So it is an enjoyable yoga if you can control your emotions.
Conjunction of 5th and 9th lord is always welcomed but since this conjunction is happening in the eighth house so positivity of this conjunction will be felt through eighth house matters- like in laws will be helpful, research work gives success, sudden gains etc.. here one planet is exalted and one is debilitated ...so exalted planet has to take the burden of the debiliated planet.