5th lord in 3rd house according to classical text there will be lose of children or few will survive (can't remember) . I have 8th lord in 1st according to classical text the person has defects in limbs (can't remember)* I can confirm i have defective in limbs ,so it goes same with 5th lord in 3rd house. Will it happen?
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Astro Life Sutras
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8th lord with 28 degrees, it is still powerful ( I don't think), but conjunct with a friend planet (very well placed) , conjunction don't show in navamsa, will provide the result till rest of life (as obstruction, up and down and unexpected movements in life)
6th, 8th and 12th घर के अधिपति बलि होकर जिस भाव में बैठते हैं वहां अशुभ परिणाम देते हैं |
आपका अष्टमेश बलि होकर लग्न में बैठा होगा | 6th, 8th and 12th के स्वामी का निर्बली होना अच्छा होता है |
I know an aries ascendant horoscope of my friend where mars is in lagna and she has problem in limbs. Here, mars being the lord of 8th house is sitting in 1st house which is also its own house, hence has become strong.
Therefore, the strength of planet and other factors has to be determined and general rule cannot be applied.
Also 8th lord in lagna can have many predictions, one of these in interest in occult, other is getting inheritance, other is ill health, other is major ups and downs in life, which of this comes true will depend upon the naisargik karaktatvas of that planet, it's strength in lagna and other combinations in the chart
There must be other combinations in your chart that indicates problems in limbs, if you are okay to share the chart, we can try to decode
These classical texts were written in time when medical facilities were not up to the mark and hence should not be taken as it is, since 3rd house is not a good house so any house lord going there indicates friction with that house or less comforts from that house
However we can't say directly that loss of children will occur, in today's scenario this a major prediction and 5th house and lord should be severely afflicted for it to come true, we should check when 5rd lord is strong or not (rashi strength, digbal, aspected/conjunct by malefics/benefics, ast or not etc.)
If 5th lord is strong, then children will do well in their life, if it aspects lagnesh then they'll take care of you also
In general, before any prediction the overall situation should be judged, one particular dictum doesn't finalize the result, it's the combination of all influences that makes a prediction