What will be the result on personality and married life of a person, if saturn is in 1st house in capricorn and jupiter and sun in conjunction in 7th house in cancer? Will it cancels good results of shash yog and hans yog?
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Astro Life Sutras
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Can you pl elaborate whether conjunction with sun and moon reduce the impact of every yoga or only of mahapurush yoga? 2) Saturn in first house is considered at maran karka place so here this Shasha yoga will reduce it’s result or not? 🙏
No if you see videos on these yogas on YouTube nitin sir has clearly mentioned ...that these yoga's impacts your personality more so if Saturn is well placed in the lagan in its own sign that will give you traits of Saturn in your personality and at the same time your Jupiter is also exalted in the 7th house so you will have Saturian and jupiterian qualities in your behaviour. they both are slow-moving planets so you will take time, judge and then act. things will happen slowly in your life for that matter marriage too as two slow moving planets are impacting your 7th house but no cancellation only the impact of these yogas reduces if the sun or Moon are in conjunction with the planet making this yoga.