Hello Nitin Sir,Jai Sri Ram,
If 5th house of Navamansa is occupied by benefics say jupiter and Mercury and fifth house in lagna also holds an exalted planet say saturn ...does it has any impact on native...I mean there is repetitive tendency of good influence on fifth house in varga kundalis
Ravi bhai, Much more than exaltation or debilitation it is more important to consider that saturn owns which house in that chart, in your case, it owns 8th and 9th house and trikona lord exchange is very auspicious, it may not be good for initial learning since native may have to repeatedly study to retain things in mind but for profession and luck factor it is very good.
Moreover, influence of Saturn, an airy planet in D1 and Jupitar and Mercury in D9 over 5th house shows very strong analytical mind and street smartness in the native.