Exorted Venus in 5th house in pises sing means u have lot of intellectual ability.exorted Venus represent u feel the peak of pleasure in ur life .female planet in female sing show female child birth.ur 7th lord is Exorted in 5th house which is 11th from 7 .ur life partner may be highly ambitious toward Venus related things like romance ,luxury ,money etc
सभी ने सारे पॉइंट रख ही दिया है बस एक पॉइंट और रखना था क्युकी शुक्र उच्च होकर 12वे भाव के स्वामी होकर बैठे है, तो जातक बहुत अच्छी बौधिक क्षमता रखता होगा और अगर गुरु भी शुक्र से किसी तरह संबंध बना ले तो विदेश मे पढाई की संभावना है।
Apart from Venus is 7th and 12th Lord. Being exalted and retro indicates problem due to over confidence. 7th H is partnership which may turn bad or struggle may be seen due to over confidence. 12th H are also secret enemies, so problems with females or loss due to females can also be expected due to over trust.
Undoubtedly Venus is not a great planet for Scorpio lagna... But not to forget that he is 7th lord and significator of realtionship.. so Venus's strength will uplift quality of married life.. in this case Venus is exalted, close to dig bal, and has strength of retrogradation.
As he is aspecting 11th house money will be coming in through marriage, abroad, with the help of ladies.. these are the prons
But the cons are... Life partner can be overconfident and a hard nut to crack.
5th house matters can have some instability. Overthinking and rethinking about relationships is also possible.
नमस्कार माधुरी जी 🙏मेरी अल्पमती के अनुसार व्रश्चिक लग्न में पँचम भाव में शुक्र उच्च का होगा और यदि वक्री भी है तो जीवन साथी सुंदर और बुद्धिमान तो मिल जायेगा परन्तु रिश्ता निभाने में आपको दिमाग़ लगाना पड़ेगा दिल नहीं दूसरी तरफ़ संतान तो सुंदर होगी परन्तु संतान के लिए परेशानी उसके जीवन में उतार चडाव देगा क्यूँकि शुक्र रेवती नक्षत्र में उच्च का होता है और रेवती एक गंड़मूल नक्षत्र है । 🙏🙏
Exorted Venus in 5th house in pises sing means u have lot of intellectual ability.exorted Venus represent u feel the peak of pleasure in ur life .female planet in female sing show female child birth.ur 7th lord is Exorted in 5th house which is 11th from 7 .ur life partner may be highly ambitious toward Venus related things like romance ,luxury ,money etc
Jai Shree Ram
7th lord apne se 11 & lagna se 5th gaya hai Jo yah batata hai ki life partner supportive hoga native ke
सभी ने सारे पॉइंट रख ही दिया है बस एक पॉइंट और रखना था क्युकी शुक्र उच्च होकर 12वे भाव के स्वामी होकर बैठे है, तो जातक बहुत अच्छी बौधिक क्षमता रखता होगा और अगर गुरु भी शुक्र से किसी तरह संबंध बना ले तो विदेश मे पढाई की संभावना है।
Apart from Venus is 7th and 12th Lord. Being exalted and retro indicates problem due to over confidence. 7th H is partnership which may turn bad or struggle may be seen due to over confidence. 12th H are also secret enemies, so problems with females or loss due to females can also be expected due to over trust.
Undoubtedly Venus is not a great planet for Scorpio lagna... But not to forget that he is 7th lord and significator of realtionship.. so Venus's strength will uplift quality of married life.. in this case Venus is exalted, close to dig bal, and has strength of retrogradation.
As he is aspecting 11th house money will be coming in through marriage, abroad, with the help of ladies.. these are the prons
But the cons are... Life partner can be overconfident and a hard nut to crack.
5th house matters can have some instability. Overthinking and rethinking about relationships is also possible.
नमस्कार माधुरी जी 🙏मेरी अल्पमती के अनुसार व्रश्चिक लग्न में पँचम भाव में शुक्र उच्च का होगा और यदि वक्री भी है तो जीवन साथी सुंदर और बुद्धिमान तो मिल जायेगा परन्तु रिश्ता निभाने में आपको दिमाग़ लगाना पड़ेगा दिल नहीं दूसरी तरफ़ संतान तो सुंदर होगी परन्तु संतान के लिए परेशानी उसके जीवन में उतार चडाव देगा क्यूँकि शुक्र रेवती नक्षत्र में उच्च का होता है और रेवती एक गंड़मूल नक्षत्र है । 🙏🙏