Born-22 January,2004
Birth time- 9:30 pm at rajkot,gujarat
∆I am leo ascendent. Reterogade jupiter(1 house) , Venus 7 house making nakshatra parivartan yog with rahu placed in 9 house
, Mars 8 house , mercury 5 house, sun moon conjunct in 6 house , reterogade saturn 11 house .
∆In navamsa chart virgo ascendent
Mercury 12 house , rahu 2 house reterograde Jupiter 3 house , reterogade saturn conjuct with Venus 6 house,Mars sun 7 house , moon 10 house . Here parivartan yog is between 3 house and 7 house
What will be the nature of my spouse?
Will my relation with spouse in laws is good or bad ?
What is the strength and weakness in my chart?