If ascendent is at 28 deg or above in sco .
Can we say that native Will have personality traits of Sagittarius too. Which of these will dominate?
If yes.. how do we predict this as Scorpio is a water sign and sagittarius is a fire sign.
I understand they have same Karak( sun, Mars, and Jupiter) and akarak ( Venus, mercury and Saturn ) Moon is Karak in Scorpio (9 house) but is a lord of 8 house in Sagittarius asc . How to see it
Seems bit complex . Pls explain
As per Vedic astrology, Birth at the cusp doesn't mean that the native will have influence of both signs. In the example, native will have Scorpio traits only. Karak and akarak are to be seen based on where mool-trikona Rashi is falling. If it falls in Kendra or trikona then the planet is karak.