RAHU vs KETU ATTACHMENT vs DETACHMENT We have read, heard from everyone that rahu is attachment and ketu is detachment. We we say rahu - a cunning, shrewd person comes into our mind and when we say ketu- a sanyasi comes into our mind. We know what is attachment, obsession- no confusion hear. But there is confusion as to meaning of DETACHMENT. By detachment we generally picture a sanyasi who has nothing to do with family, friends, money, work, status, house etc etc....but if we dig deeper into our thoughts and question ourself - is this really detachment or is this abandonment. Abandonment of family, friends, work, life etc.etc... Detachment as shown in picture- is having no desire to acheive it or acquire it but still living with it, appreciating it . Not being obsessed over acquiring it, but even if you acquire it,you share it with everyone, it will not hurt you if you loose it. This is detachment. A detached person appritiates everything and everyone around him/her. You can basically say a neutral state of mind. You are okay with what you have and you have no desire or obsession or unhappy with what you don't have. A detached person is an atheist as well as religious and spiritual. A detached person is rich as well as poor. A detached person is has everything and also has nothing. A detached person is cool. A detached person is neutral. Ketu is neutral. But a detached person definately not abandons things or people. A question definately strikes in our head is this practical? the answer is no- being detached always is not practicle - The reason is a person can not be detached totally- we cannot forget ketu is part of rahu. We cannot rule out, ignore rahu which is part of ketu and always looking at ketu. ATTACHMENT is part of detachment. Rahu is part of ketu. When we become too detached and start to become impractical - rahu pulls us towards itself for possession and obsessed for achievement-. This is how we grow and evolve- desiring for new and improved things. And when we start to become too obsessed towards achieving it or attached -ketu pulls us towards itself asking us to be neutral and relax a little, appritiate things we have achieved. So we should not forget that rahu-ketu both are one in the same thing but different energies. One which is driving us for acheivemnt, entitlement and one driving us to relax and be neutral. And being detached does not mean being a sanyasi. Sanyasi abandons yet not detached 🙏🏽 Sanyasi are obsessed, obsessed for acheivemnt of moksha or to meet god/parmatma 🙏🏽
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